My horoscope always say that I was born to be a leader. I personally do not think so. I don't think I am fit to be a leader. But due to situation circumstances, I was always being forced to be the leader. This is shown especially when there is a group work. I do not offer myself to be the leader of the group. It just happen so naturally. No one in the group seems to take initiative to start doing work. I can't just wait till someone offer to take a initiative step. By then, we will all fail the work. So, naturally I will take the initiative move to ask who is willing to be in charged of what. And very naturally, they will think me as the leader, start asking me for anything and everything. Somebody once told me that being recognized as a leader is not an easy thing, coz being a good leader is not as easy as ABC.
Well, this time, another group assignment. As usual, I am naturally the leader of the group. I was the one dividing works for the members, I was the one that they consult when they have inquires, and I was the one that inform them on everything. I am really tired of being naturally a leader. I am tired of all these works. I thought this will change once I enter tertiary studies since I was always like this back in high school.
And one more last advice, avoid being group with members who are not from your own tutorial group. It is really tiring to keep in touch with them all the time.
Be strong, baby!