Saturday, December 13, 2014

It's A Korean Thing


2014 is coming to an end soon and everyone, I guess is anticipating this month of December mostly because of Christmas. I bet couples already have a list of what to do, where to go, what to eat, what present to be given to their other half. I am not sure whether you have already know, but there is an additional day where Korean couples celebrate in Korea.

Koreans have a specific day every month to do a specific thing. It is a mid-month celebrations for couples in Korea. To be specific, the said day is the 14th of every month. I don't actually know this beforehand until I saw a post on Allkpop. You may check the post and its explanation of each specific day here.

For easy referencing, I have list down the mid-month celebration as follow:

Jan 14th - Diary Day
Feb 14th - Valentine's Day
Mac 14th - White Day
Apr 14th - Black Day
May 14th - Yellow Day / Rose Day
June 14th - Kiss Day
July 14th - Silver Day
Aug 14th - Green Day
Sept 14th - Photo Day/ Music Day
Oct 14th - Wine Day
Nov 14th- Movie Night
Dec 14th - Hug Day

I am not sure about what you think on this mid-month celebrations practiced by Koreans but I find it quite pretty and it isn't a bad idea to celebrate it. And actually Korea couple don't just show their affection on these particular days, they actually show it all-year-long. Koreans couples, be it man or woman, they are not afraid or shame in showing off their affections publicly. You may easily spot couples with matching clothes, shoes, bags or whatever you can mention. For singles, you need to be mentally strong enough to walk on the streets in Korea or else you will be defeated by endless of jealousy and envious, and mostly loneliness.

Since it's December now, let's talk a bit on it. Actually I have never anticipated the coming of December since 5 years ago. I know that most people anticipated December because of Christmas. I once thought December will be a month I anticipated much beside January (my birth month). However, everything changed 5 years ago, which was also the year where I anticipated the coming of December more than ever.

Dec 24th, Christmas Eve, an excuse where people use to gather around for celebration. Be it with your family, friends or special half. 5 years ago, that day used to be meaningful for me because it will be a day where I not only get to exchange present with other, it was also a day where I will celebrate the birth day of someone whom I used to love so dearly. Dec 24th is my ex's birthday. While I was still scratching my head to come out with a special events to make him happy, on this very Dec 14th he decided to put an end towards our relationship.

5 years had passed, but this Dec 14th is still clearly embedded in my mind and heart. NO, it's not that I am still clinging to him, I have gotten over him. It's just that that particular day, the memory I had is way too difficult to just let it go. It all started 5 years ago where I, subconsciously will be emo during every December. To be honest, there was a time where I hated December very much.

For this fifth year, when I get to know that Dec 14th is a Hug Day (it's freezing winter in Korea, so you hug people to give warm) I could imagine how lonely it is for singles on this particular day. No no, I am not being too emo this time (though it is better to have someone hugging you). After my long time from Korea this autumn, something has change my mindset. Being singles isn't bad after all. I get to know people regardless of sex, need to worry if I try to pick on any Korean guy or adoring any guy. Or another word, I do not have to worry, or I should say I have the right to flirt with any guy I am interested in (of course if only the guy is single too).

Though I would love to date someone now, I think it is better for me to stay being single for the moment. For those who are currently in a relationship, may you have a good Christmas with your loved ones and do not forget to give him/her a hug on Dec 14th. For those who are single like me, may you get to find someone special this Christmas. Happy December peeps!

p/s : Yes, I went to Korea this autumn and I had an amazing Korea tour (as you may see from the picture above where I took a picture with a quite ok Korean guy). I am not sure when I will finish blog about it and I will try to make time for it. Till then, see ya! n_n

Thursday, October 2, 2014

It isn't easy to be bad to be kind

The above picture has nothing to do with this post, just that I really hope both parties can work it out and we get what we and the members hope for, Girls' Generation with 9 members.


I have been lucky that my parents strictly implemented the important of education in my mind since I was young. I am lucky enough to have love studying and had always been in the first/top classes or been assigned in the group with better grade. Though I lost 1/3 of the passion in studying after PMR, I am determined to at least get a degree before putting an end to schooling life.

People around me especially my high schoolmate have always considered me as the best student, the one who know it all when it comes to education. I admit that I am a bit arrogant as I have always been in the first class. And I do feel bad being treated as the smart one when I am not really that smart.

I have heard people told me that I am soft and kind, those kind of person. While I am not that smart, I am more that happy to provide assistance as long as I am capable of. Be it in study or companion, I give my best to provide help. While companion may be a bit hard as I am not that kind of person that could just leave my house at any time or any occasion. But if my knowledge in education is essential, I will provide as much as I can. 

HOWEVER, there is a limit to what I can help or saying how much I am willing to help. As a student myself, I believe the top most responsibility is to study hard. The basic one will be doing your assignment by your own. Isn't this the most basic one for every student out there?

While people think that I am better in English and people would like my favour in checking their assignment piece, I am more than happy to proofread the essay to check those minor mistakes or to pinpoint those sentences which seem grammatically wrong. But please remember that there is a limit to what I can provide.

I know there are people out there who do your assignment for some fee. I totally oppose to this kind of facility. I believe that it is your own responsibility to do assignment given that you have chosen to study. No matter what are the offer you could give me, I will not do your assignment for you.

Each one of us have a different writing style. Lecturer are smarter than what you think they are as they can easily find out whether that piece of essay is from you yourself or from another hand. Please don't assume that they won't find out just because they need to mark hundreds of papers.

I do not know what are your relationship with that friend of you that you are the only one who he/she can beg for help. I am thankful that you think of me, but I do not like being taken for granted. It is not one or twice, if I still provide assistance this time, I am pretty sure there won't be an end for this. I know you are trying to be helpful, but you shouldn't have promise your friend with something that is beyond your capabilities.

I remembered clearly that I told you last time, that the best will be your friend taking an additional course to brush up his/her English. If you are saying it is too rush, then why do you always only ask for help when the deadline is near and why don't you take action before it happen when you already know the same thing will happen? You are asking people not only to proofread your piece, you are also asking people to help you rephrase it. I am not you, I won't be able to know clearly what you are trying to say by just looking at your grammatically wrong sentence.

I know it isn't easy to paraphrase a quote when you need to cite it in your piece. Your vocabulary need to be strong  and I know it is hard. There are various way for citation and if you can't really paraphrase it, just cite the quote as it is. Citation is something you need to be familiar with and it is you top best friends in college life.

I would like to help, but I do have my own principle to. I won't do something beyond my principle. You may say I am being bad for not proving help at this very last moment where you hardly can find help from other people. But I am sure that you will not take action to correct and rather depend on other people if I still help you this time. Yes, I am being cruel with the hope that you take action to upgrade yourself and not just depend on other people.

Like I said before, I am more than happy to help but I do have my own principle. Thanks.

Sunday, June 8, 2014





有位同事, 她大我一年,当然比我有工作经验。可是她对工作或者生活的思想真的有时蛮幼子。我并不是想说我很成熟,但她的那个程度真的有够令我难以接受。就比如说加班到7点才回,她就一副丑脸那样,还跟我说已经有两天她10点晚上才吃晚餐。小姐,本公主我差不多每晚八点半才离公司,每晚十点才吃晚餐。你那两天算什么?你在这行做了两年有多,难道你不比我根了解这一行的工作时间吗?我都还没怨你怨什么?




Saturday, February 15, 2014



在15晚上,本来我很很兴奋拿到我已就等的电话。就在那时爸爸和哥哥就立刻出发去Kedah看我的师公。他是我爸爸的妈妈,我叫他为师公是因为她在约20年前出家了。知道他进医院了我的确很想跟着爸爸上Kedah。但应为有做工,所以不能去。 那时的我太累了,什么都想不到。好想师公没事,把工作赶快做完,让后可以安心的区澳洲。





本来还打算新年去看师公,没想到再也看不到了。看着师公的尸体,很想抓着师公的手。因为他生前我都会一直抓着他的手。那一份空虚,我无法用任何字体来形容。 我的心痛了。