Sunday, November 3, 2013





今年我生日时收到的祝福都是要我快快找个男朋友。哈哈,我的朋友们都很可爱。我知道她们都很关心我。前阵子跟许久没见面的lengleng聚会,突然间谈到了结婚。Ann Ann就说了理想结婚年龄是28岁。这也是我的理想结婚年龄,我也说了最早我可以接受是26岁。Ann Ann点下头表示她也同意我。然而她突然间说 “哎呀,很快就到了,你要快点找男朋友了,给你一年,一年好像不够,给你两年的时间快点去找男朋友”。听到这一番话,我真的很开心有怎么关心我的好友。


我对那份感情早已放下。但我现在发觉原来我未能放下的那时受到的伤害。我没办法不去想那时的我心里面是有多难受。我已经很努力的去克服这个痛苦。 但我真的做不到。倔强性格的我,心里面难受到快崩溃了却不允许在别人面前流泪的我,真的无法呼吸了和别人说我还难过,他们只会觉得是我放不下那段感情。感情和伤害是两回事。还难过不一定是代表还爱着对方。



Purplelyn said...

It's really hard to forget the feel of being hurt. Even me, I realize I haven't forget about it too when the past experience appeared in my dream! I thought I have already get rid of this feeling, but I felt the same in my dream, the heartbroken feeling, i think I will never forget in my life.
However dear, we still have to move on. No matter what, we have to believe there is still a person waiting for us. To find a true love, new relationship, we must first believe in love, believe there must be a Mr. Right in our life. Although we might get hurt again, but people can't feel your heart if you keep it close.
What already past is just memories for us, sad memories maybe? Remember, memories build the experience, and your mindset right now build future.

J.Callie said...

I think it is impossible to forget the feeling of being hurt, because it's already became part of my life which makes who I am today.
I am still shutting off my heart because of the fear of being hurt again. For it to open again, yea need someone to come in my life. But it will be hard for that someone to make it open because of my tough characteristic. Just thinking of how long my ex used to really make me fell for him.
